Öne Çıkanlar kpss haberleri çeyrek altın cumhurbaşkanı adayı en iyi şehir AB Komisyonu Mehmet Uçum singapur İngiliz Times Gazetesi Abdulhamit Gül leyla ve eylül

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support of the diaspora is very crucial

Avrupa News Agency (AVA) London

Turkish Republic of Northern cyprus TRNC, Dr. Dervis Eroğlu gave a speech to the Turkish speaking community in North London on the 14th of June and stated that “South Cyprus takes over the European Union presidency Sunday (1st July) for the next six months and will help set the EU’s agenda that can negatively influence our negotiations. TRNC’s important role has recently understood.”

Eroğlu indicated that “negotiations will be carried out after 2013 with the participation of the guarantor states.” He added that “support of the Turkish diaspora in the UK is very crucial and it is important to use them as a strong element of political pressure in order to overcome the UK and the EU embargo. The new constitution will be a crucial tool to accelerate the communication. The election law will be changed with the new constitution and Turkish diaspora in London will be able to vote.”


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