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Heidi Trautmann

All three were underlining the vital importance of Ergün Pektas’ work, the owner and founder of the Private Ethnological Museum for the country and for the tourism.  From the nearby kindergarden, children were dancing for us in their lovely costumes, a touching sight, and some of the girls already knew how to shake their upper bodies just like the ladies do when dancing.I was watching the faces of the visitors when they entered the gates to the museum, and I saw them light up in surprise: this is not what they had expected, such riches, and as my friend Irene Raab from Kaleidoskop Travel Agency said:….such professionalism!  I have been visiting the place before and you find many pictures there and the background story, just enter: Heidi Trautmann 376 - cyprus art news, the good old ways…Ergün Pektas and his daughters were very proud to see the work of many years appreciated. Work is still to be done but with the help of Derya, one of the daughters, who has studied art history among others and just recently graduated as restorer and conservator, and we can be sure that the rest of their dream, to see the outside area transformed into a village with village activities such as olive press, hellim production, and other workshops, will not stay a dream. It is a life time occupation; did not Ergün Pektas collect all these thousands of items from boyhood on? He knew about the value and authenticity of all the items and the importance for the country, also to show the multi-cultural background the islanders have. From now on, the gates to the museum are open for everybody who cares about the country, its cultural background,  and for the young the opportunity to study things of their past. I can already see school classes pass through to learn how their ancestors have lived.It is a place to feel at home and after the tour through the museum you can sit down in the very comfortable museum café and talk about the good old things in life. Where to find the museum? In Şehit Ecvet Yusuf Cad. No.56 Yenişehir/Nicosia. You go on the highway Nicosia/Ercan and turn off to Kızılbaş into town – on the left is a green Alpet Petrol Station – and shortly after the big roundabout at the big church you will find (on your left) a school-building, a kindergarten, and right there, into this private road, you enter to find a big parking space behind the school.

Visiting hours are

Monday to Saturday: 09.30 – 16.00 hrs.

Tel. 2271785

Email: [email protected]              







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