Öne Çıkanlar kpss haberleri çeyrek altın cumhurbaşkanı adayı en iyi şehir AB Komisyonu Mehmet Uçum singapur İngiliz Times Gazetesi Abdulhamit Gül leyla ve eylül

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Our 'Delightful Istanbul' film is breaking records

A honeymooning couple in Istanbul shot a 2.5 minute short film of the places they visited and posted it online. The video, entitled "Delightful Istanbul," has garnered an almost record number (and counting!) of hits so far.

A two and a half minute film shot by a couple on their honeymoon of their whirlwind tour of the city gives a great sense of its fun, wonder and enchantment. In one week over 300,000 people have viewed the video, with more watching each day.

Turkish Airlines pioneers new seats for all its aircrafts


Turkish Airlines, Turkish Technic, and Turkish Seat Industries have partnered together using new automation and software technologies to create state-of-the-art seating for all of Turkish Airlines' aircrafts.

The world-class quality of safety and comfort that you've come to expect from Turkish Airlines is taking another step forward.

 Lounge Istanbul has improved its already high standards!


The lounge has been expanded and refurbished to provide our guests with a much more relaxed and comfortable travel experience.

Lounge Istanbul has added another 2,400 m2 to its existing 3,500 m2 to its location in the departure hall of Ataturk Airport. The expanded lounge adds a second floor to the existing space and nearly doubles its capacity to over 1,000 guests at a time.



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