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London schoolchildren launch Muslim Aid Ramadan campaign

The campaign, which occurs simultaneously to the London Olympics this year, will see volunteers fundraising for projects supporting vulnerable people worldwide including children, women, disabled and the elderly. Staff and volunteers from the British Charity engaged with students at Gatton Primary School, helping them to make Ramadan greeting cards to be sent to children currently supported by the Rainbow Family Child Sponsorship Programme. Students were reminded of the blessings of Ramadan and that they too could make a difference to people in need through simple acts of kindness and charitable deeds which Muslims are encouraged to increase during Ramadan. Sir Iqbal Sacranie OBE, former Chairman of Muslim Aid said “Muslim Aid invests heavily in the future of orphans and disadvantaged children across the world, including conflict and disaster countries, by giving them access to education and healthcare. Gatton School pupils have consistently demonstrated care and compassion for all children who are not so fortunate and therefore Gatton School was the most fitting venue to launch this year’s Muslim Aid Ramadan Appeal.”Rifat Batool, Head Teacher at Gatton School said "We aim to give our pupils learning opportunities which broaden their knowledge and understanding of other countries and people in a globalised world. We also provide our pupils with practical opportunities to implement our religious principles of giving and sharing. This develops empathy and sensitivity to the needs of others - especially in times of crises. We hope that contributing to the event will serve as an example of how children in this country can give for children in other countries who are less fortunate than them." Last Ramadan, with the generous support from donors, the Charity raised over £4million. The money went towards the Horn of Africa Drought Appeal, as well as other programmes, including Feed the Fasting and Sadaqah Jariyah programme. Nutritious food was distributed and humanitarian aid was provided to orphans, destitute children, widows, elderly and disabled in many countries, including Somalia, Cambodia, Bosnia, Lebanon and Mexico.





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