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Bu haber kez okundu.

London's Calling live


"should put a copy of this in the official goodie bag 

of every Olympic athlete and delegate"  Songlines Magazine


"Reminds us that much of the best music in the capital 

results from its cultural mix"  The Guardian

‘The Bandstand’, Olympic Village 10/08 feat Cumbe, Jardares Por Fuera, Soothsayers &

AJ Holmes & the Hackney Empire. BT River of Music 21/07 & 22/07: Feat Krar Collective (Africa stage), Arun Ghosh,

Transglobal Underground (Asia stage)

"A multi-cultural array of musicians whose interpretations are not only highly innovative but

hugely entertaining." Clash Magazine

London’s Calling is a collection of 14 classic London songs interpreted by the cream of

London's multi-cultural music scene to be released on CD & download 30/07/12.

With an Ethio-jazz version of Lilly Allen‟s „LDN‟ from the Krar Collective, Lokkhi Terra’s

Bengali-Cuban take on The Small Face‟s „Itchycoo Park‟ plus two versions of The Clash‟s

„London Calling‟ – an Arabic dancehall banger from Afrikan Boy & TGU and an Indo-jazzpunk

belter from Arun Ghosh - London’s Calling features a multi-cultural collective of

London-based musicians paying tribute to the most international of cities and is unlike anything

you‟ve heard before.

Elsewhere Afro-dub pioneers the Soothsayers bring us a soothing version of Ralph Mctell‟s

„Streets of London‟, Sephardic-flamenco act Los Desterrados take Elvis Costello‟s „I don‟t

want to go to Chelsea‟ on a Moroccan road-trip and Billy Bragg‟s „A13 Trunk road to the sea‟

gets a Brit-Afro working over courtesy of AJ Holmes & the Hackney Empire.

The collective of musicians who make up London’s Calling will be appearing at live events

throughout the summer including the „Bandstand‟ venue in the Olympic Park on the 10/08/12

and the BT River of Music over the weekend of 21/07 & 22/07.

Financed by an Arts Council grant and recorded in London throughout April 2012, London’s

Calling is a collection of innovative re-workings and the debut project from London-based

production agency Culture Clash whose manifesto is a celebration of the new global, cultural

mash-up. All the artists involved in the project are regulars on the London live scene and

Culture Clash will be announcing further events in the capital this summer bringing together

these and other acts who make London‟s music scene the most exciting in the world.

According to the 2001 census, 30% of London residents were born outside England (not

including second and third generation


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