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LCP Dance Theatre presents Rights

RIGHTS(?) is a unique fusion of multi-ethnic/multimedia contemporary dance, performance and dramaturgy examining human rights and choreographed by talented and emerging Italian choreographer Mimmo Miccolis produced by international LCP Dance Theatre, based in London. The work's creation has been sposored by the BBC Performing Arts Fund 2011, the Bernie Grant Arts Centre and mentored by Tavaziva  Dance Company. RIGHTS(?) is a choreographic depiction of important human issues. This multimedia production is a raw, yet sensitive, look at inequalities that plague the world. Multiethnic dancers share personal expressions of their cultures and individual diversity. They open our eyes to political, social, religious, and sexual injustice, exploring issues of race, poverty, death, war, human trafficking, imprisonment, asylum, and freedom. RIGHTS(?) strength lies in the creative use of a multitude of art forms: a range of dance styles, physical theatre, illusion, video, props, and new technical gadgetry, resulting in an energetic performance that challenges the audience to confront and dream... tickets on sales @ Bernie Grant Arts Centre. tickets on sale @ Shaw Theatre. 

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Dikkat! Suç teşkil edecek, yasadışı, tehditkar, rahatsız edici, hakaret ve küfür içeren, aşağılayıcı, küçük düşürücü, kaba, müstehcen, ahlaka aykırı, kişilik haklarına zarar verici ya da benzeri niteliklerde içeriklerden doğan her türlü mali, hukuki, cezai, idari sorumluluk içeriği gönderen Üye/Üyeler’e aittir.