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Deputy Prime Minister's message for Eid ul-Fitr

Deputy Prime Minister's message for Eid ul-Fitr

The full text of the message is below:

 This year, as you may have noticed, the Holy Month of Ramadan coincided with the London Olympics.The feats of Team GB, the smooth running of the Games themselves and the spirit of the British public have been witnessed the world over.

The contributions of Muslims in the United Kingdom to London 2012 were striking, from medal-winning athletes like Mo Farah and Mohammad Sbihi, to the many volunteers and supporters who made the atmosphere so welcoming and friendly

And, what has made me, personally really proud, even more than the medals, or the Olympic Park, or the ceremonies, has been the sight of a diverse and tolerant Britain: modern Britain, in all its glory, home to every faith, every colour, every background, opening its arms to the rest of the world and coming together to make these Games such a success.
That seems to me to have been a very fitting setting for Eid ul-Fitr, a time when Muslims celebrate unity, community, friendship.
Those are the values liberals hold dearly, values we should all do our utmost to defend, at all times.
So I'd like to send all Muslims my very best wishes for the festival. I hope you enjoy the holiday, and I wish you all a sincere Eid saeed

The Deputy Prime Minister has recorded a video message to mark the Muslim festival of Eid ul-Fitr this weekend. It can be viewed at the following link:


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